Tami Mehl Audiology performs the following range of professional hearing tests.
1. Diagnostic Hearing Tests
Pure Tone Audiometry
This is the key hearing test for identifying an individual’s hearing levels. During this test, the patient will need to indicate a response to a sound. Both air and bone conduction audiometry are needed, to identify the type, degree and configuration of the hearing loss.
Speech Audiometry
Word lists are presented to the patient who must repeat the words read to him/her. The patient’s performance during this test aids the audiologist in determining the type of hearing loss as well as provides valuable insight into the individual’s levels of comfort to speech and word recognition abilities.
Eustachian Tube Function Testing
A functional and patent Eustachian tube is necessary for ideal middle ear sound mechanics. This test assesses the changes in middle ear pressure under varying circumstances in order to determine Eustachian tube function.
Immittance Audiometry
A small probe is inserted into the outer ear canal, slight pressure is built up in the ear, and measurements are represented in the form of a tympanogram. Tympanograms show the functioning of the middle ear and can indicate eardrum perforations, abnormal pressure, fluid build-up and increased/decreased mobility of the eardrum and middle ear structures.
Acoustic Reflexes
Acoustic reflex measurements are carried out to measure the involuntary muscle contraction that occurs in the middle ear in response to loud sounds.
2. Electrophysiologic Tests
These are measures to partially estimate hearing function and to determine which function of the auditory system is at fault. They’re commonly used for children who can’t be tested behaviorally (due to age, developmental delay, or other medical conditions), as well as adults who are unable to participate in a standard test battery (due to cognitive impairment).
Diagnostic Oto-Acoustic Emissions
This test assesses the outer hair cell functioning of the cochlea. It is commonly used to screen newborn hearing and to assess tinnitus.
Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)
This test gives the audiologist information about the cochlea and neural pathways for hearing. ABRs are common to test hearing in the following populations:
- To assess or screen ‘at-risk’ infants, like babies who have not passed the OAE assessment, have spent more than five days in NICU, have a low birth weight, or have low APGAR scores
- To assess difficult-to-test populations, including children with cerebral palsy, developmentally delayed children or children with medical conditions
- To confirm hearing loss in medico-legal cases
- To diagnose auditory disorders, such as auditory neuropathy
- To conduct intra-operative monitoring; for example, during the removal of tumours on the 8th cranial nerve (vestibulocochlear nerve)
Electrocochleography (ECochG / ECOG) Test
This test is used to confirm the diagnosis of Meniere’s Disease, as well as during intra-operative monitoring or to assist in the diagnosis of auditory neuropathy disorder.
If you’d like more information on any of our testing, please contact us today. We can help.